What Is the Main Cause of Multiple Sclerosis?

Multiple sclerosis, commonly known as MS, is an autoimmune condition. This condition causes your body to attack the protective coverings around your nerves. 

MS can cause severe pain and many neurological problems. People with this condition want to know what causes it and how they can treat MS to improve their quality of life. 

The root causes of MS are still being researched. Here’s what is known so far. 

The Complexity of Autoimmune Conditions

Autoimmune diseases occur when your immune system stops functioning properly. Instead of attacking foreign invaders, your immune system starts attacking your healthy tissues. 

Multiple sclerosis attacks the myelin sheaths that protect your nerve fibers. In some cases, MS can go on to degrade your nerve fibers. This causes serious problems as your nerves try to communicate with the rest of your body. 

There is limited information when it comes to the causes of autoimmune diseases. Certain factors seem to play larger roles than others, but there is no established reason for developing multiple sclerosis. 

Genetics and Environment

Scientists have been debating “nature versus nurture” for hundreds of years. 

“Nature” refers to the genetic blueprints cells use to carry out physical and mental tasks. Genetics are passed on through families and can be unpredictable. 

“Nurture,” on the other hand, is more complex. It refers to environmental factors, which include anything around you that influences your gene expression. 

Your diet, lifestyle habits, and geographical location can all impact which genes are “turned on” (or off). Scientists believe that MS develops from a complex interaction between your genes and your environment. 

Risk Factors for Developing MS

There are certain environmental and genetic factors that many multiple sclerosis patients have in common. 

These are not surefire causes of the disease, but they can tell us more about what may cause this debilitating condition. 

Biological Sex

For unknown reasons, MS is two to three times as common among women as men. Women with MS tend to suffer from cycles of relapse and remission more frequently than men with this disease. 

Family Medical History 

There seems to be a genetic component to developing multiple sclerosis. If someone in your immediate family (parent or sibling) has had MS, you are more likely to contract this disease. 

Past Illnesses

Some viruses can lead to MS symptoms because they trigger an autoimmune response. The most common is the Epstein-Barr virus. If you have ever been diagnosed with mono, make sure you keep an eye out for MS symptoms. 

Staying Hopeful Through Your Diagnosis

Multiple sclerosis doesn’t have to ruin your positive spirit. If you receive a diagnosis, know there are options to help and potential treatments that are available. You can improve your quality of life by exploring your options. 

This post was written by a medical professional at Stemedix Inc. At Stemedix we provide access to Regenerative Medicine for multiple sclerosis, also known as stem cell therapy for multiple sclerosis. Regenerative medicine has the natural potential to help improve symptoms sometimes lost from the progression of many conditions.

Peter Simpson

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