What Happens During Frozen Shoulder?

Frozen shoulder is also referred to as adhesive capsulitis. The condition is most likely to be characterized by pain and stiffness in one’s shoulder joint. The symptoms and signs tend to begin quite slowly, and they usually worsen over time. Within one or three years, they can also get resolved. The shoulder is made from three joints, including the upper arm, collarbone, and shoulder blade. Also, a tissue surrounds the shoulder joint, which holds almost everything in place, and it is known as the shoulder capsule. 

Due to frozen shoulder (หัวไหล่ ติด, which is the term in Thai), the capsule tends to become quick thick and tight that makes it quite challenging to move. Also, the bands of scar tissues are likely to form, and there is the minimum synovial fluid that keeps the joint lubricated. These things tend to stay the motion limited. 

  • Symptoms:

Pain and stiffness are said to be some of the most common symptoms of paralysis that make it quite challenging or next to impossible even to move it. When one has a frozen shoulder, they are less likely to feel active or have more pain in one of their shoulders. They might also feel pain around the shoulder they are likely to wrap their arm around, or the pain might worsen by night which makes them challenging to sleep at night. 

  • Causes:

It is not yet clear why some people tend to go through the frozen shoulder. But as per recent research, it was concluded that the frozen shoulder is quite joint among females as compared to males. It is most likely to happen when one is between 40 to 60, and the risk tends to increase when people are about to recover from any medical condition include stroke or surgery that keeps them away from moving the arm. Some of the medications also tend to increase the risk, and people are likely to have frozen shoulders if they suffer from diabetes or heart disease, thyroid disease.

  • Diagnosis:

To diagnose the frozen shoulder, a medical professional needs to take a physical exam, and they will check how badly it tends to hurt and how far it can also move. During the active session of the physical exam, they will allow you to move your shoulder, and during the passive part, the doctor will do it for you. Hence it is all up to the doctor if they will give an injection or not.  

Peter Simpson

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