Why I Use Weed Vaporizers To Help With My Arthritis

It may surprise you to learn that over in Canada two-thirds of people who take medical marijuana do so to help alleviate arthritic symptoms. There really is no better natural painkiller to help soothe those aching joints. After years of taking opiate-based medication – with side effects ranging from constipation through to depression and mental unpredictability – I decided to take the law into my own hands.

Here in the UK, the laws are slowly changing but you’ll still struggle to get a marijuana (Savitex) script ahead of more ‘established’ pain control medications. It will get better, but frankly, I am not one to kick my heels when I know cannabis not only works for me but is also readily available.

But here is not the place to get too bogged down in the morals of taking marijuana for arthritis. Instead, I want to talk about the safest and easiest way to consume your bud.

Having quit smoking over 20 years ago I was hardly that keen to go back to mixing my greenery with tobacco again. Bongs have always been too ‘heavy hitting’ for me (I like to be able to function throughout the day!) and dabbing can be fiddly, especially when out and about.

After a trip to the States, I was blown away by how common weed vaporizers tended to be. Sure, I know lots of people around the world vape nowadays as an aid to quit smoking – but over there, they use these high powered devices to take their marijuana too. They’re way more than just an electric bong – they are just as handy as a typical vape pen but allow you to take weed, shatter, wax and oils too.

The UK Weed Vaporizer Scene

I wasn’t especially keen on taking one home – anyone who has enjoyed the company of their customs officials will understand why – and there are the different power currents to also complicate doing so. But surely if these devices are available in the US then they must have also rocked up on our shores, right?

You’d be surprised to find out that only a couple of years ago there were barely a handful of equivalent weed vaporizers available here. Sure you can legally import them – but the prices were eye watering! I tried out a couple at a local vape shop and also wasn’t very impressed. They just lacked power, taking ages to warm up and delivering very inconsistent draws littered with dry hits.

Anyway, and needless to say, this was all very frustrating! Then my sons (who know much more about vaping than silly old me) pooled together and bought me a Prohibited In The 5th Degree vaporizer for my 50th! At first I was a little cross – after all, these things aren’t cheap – but oh my word what a difference a year or so can make! This was – and is – exactly like what I had played around with on my US visit, and if anything maybe even a bit better.

Bear in mind that while I tend not to use it for session vaping (it really is for medicinal purposes) I do enjoy it throughout the day, usually a couple of draws every couple of hours.

So for me, it was important to have a vaporizer that heats up fast, is reliable, and basically ready at short notice. This vaporizer heats up in about 20 seconds, and the various cartridges can be used for not just flowers/herb but also concentrates such as wax and oil. Little magnets help make them a doddle to switch between, and there’s even a handy little brush to help with cleaning up too!

Would I Recommend The Prohibited In The 5th Degree Vaporizer?

Absolutely, and I have already helped out a couple of friends get into this exciting new (for our shores at least) style of convenient, clean and frankly amazing vaping.

Personally speaking, I’m happy with the package as it comes, but there’s plenty of accessories such as pipes and funnels for those feeling a little fancier. For me, it just comes down to convenience and part of that is also a reliable battery. A single charge will easily last me for a full day – maybe two at a push. As long as you keep on top of the basic maintenance the parts will last for ages.

So if you are suffering from arthritic aches and pains, and plan on taking marijuana to help cope with it, then this has to be one of the best ways to vape your flowers.

Peter Simpson

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