How Laser Hair Removal On Armpits, Groin And Legs Works

Some people look for laser hair removal for the arms like Underarm Laser Hair removal (เลเซอร์ รักแร้ ราคา which is the term in Thai), belly, face, beard, fluff, back, etc. But the champion regions are still the armpits, groin, and legs.

And permanent hair removal is the most worthwhile solution for men and women who have opted for a hair-free body.

How Does Laser Hair Removal Work?

Laser hair removal equipment does not vary significantly in its hair removal method depending on the area of ​​the body. What can vary the most are the adjustments that the professional can make to obtain the best result for your type of hair and skin. So basically, how laser hair removal works is like this:

The energy beam is triggered and attracted by the melanin present in our hair.

At the root of our hair is where it has a high concentration of melanin.

In addition to many cells responsible for the birth and growth of hair.

When the hair is in its growth phase, it is ideal for performing the hair removal session.

After all, there are a lot of cells and a lot of melanin at this stage.

The treatment is super-efficient when the laser wave has the perfect depth, intensity, and concentration to reach the hair root to “kill” the root and germ cells. That is why all sessions must be carried out because not all the hair on our body is growing simultaneously.

At each session, the laser reaches the hairs that remain.

But, as we promise, you have experiences that may differ depending on your body region. Let’s start by telling you some fun facts about how laser hair removal in the underarms works.

Benefits Of Underarm Laser Hair Removal?

Many women tend to have darker underarm areas. Do you know why? The redness that remains after waxing or post-blade irritation is a type of trauma with hyper chromia as one of the consequences. This hyper chromia is nothing more than an increase in the darker skin tone after the inflammatory process and cell regeneration.

Exactly why friction with the blade is persistent. It makes it practically impossible to see the armpit lighten due to the hyper chromia process. One of the benefits of laser hair removal is that it simply removes hair from the roots of the follicle and prevents its growth. With this, you do not use any material in the armpits, and you already have the advantage of being without frequent aggressions to the skin.

Peter Simpson

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