Getting your teen age figure again

All are you jeans which used to hug your waist are no more able to hug your extra fat which is being deposited on your waist line. You wish to shed this extra fat but every resolution goes in air with the ideal excuse for the lack of time.  If you wish to wear the old jeans again then you have to do a bit of time management and use your will power to make the things happen for your larger interest. You can get rid of love handles; the popular word for your fat collected on your waist.

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What causes love handles?

The fat which you have deposited on your waist is known as Love handles or the muffin or spare tire; no matter which name you call.  This is the siren for your cardiologist and red signal for your health insurance. You may have to claim your insurance if you do not take care of your spare tire. You have to change your life style along with a bunch of exercises. This love handle is caused by the lethargic life style of yours followed by the fast food which, you munch in the office every now and then. Thus, you have deposited fat due to unhealthy life style. So, you have to change your life style to get rid of your love handle along with exercises.

How to get rid of love handles?

  • If you want to shed the extra fat you got to have 7-8 hours of daily sleep which is must for the healthy life style.
  • The excess stress which you are getting is taking its toll by giving excess of cortisol resulting in extra visceral fat on your tummy.
  • You can go to to know more about exercises and workout to get rid of this extra fat on the side and on the waist of your body.

Peter Simpson

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